
Table of contents


    New (v0.4.0)

    Markdown does not include support for callouts. However, you can style text as a callout using a Markdown extension supported by kramdown: block IALs.

    Common kinds of callouts include highlight, important, new, note, and warning.

    These callout names are not pre-defined by the theme: you need to define your own names.

    An untitled callout

    {: .highlight }
    A paragraph

    A paragraph

    A single paragraph callout

    {: .note }
    A paragraph

    A paragraph

    {: .note-title }
    > My note title
    > A paragraph with a custom title callout

    My note title

    A paragraph with a custom title callout

    A multi-paragraph callout

    {: .important }
    > A paragraph
    > Another paragraph
    > The last paragraph

    A paragraph

    Another paragraph

    The last paragraph

    {: .important-title }
    > My important title
    > A paragraph
    > Another paragraph
    > The last paragraph

    My important title

    A paragraph

    Another paragraph

    The last paragraph

    An indented callout

    > {: .highlight }
      A paragraph

    A paragraph

    Indented multi-paragraph callouts

    > {: .new }
    > > A paragraph
    > >
    > > Another paragraph
    > >
    > > The last paragraph

    A paragraph

    Another paragraph

    The last paragraph

    Nested callouts

    {: .important }
    > {: .warning }
    > A paragraph

    A paragraph

    Opaque background

    {: .important }
    > {: .opaque }
    > <div markdown="block">
    > {: .warning }
    > A paragraph
    > </div>

    A paragraph